Beware-Serious Namedropping to Ensue
The boys arrived late and went to meet Paul & Liza for drinks at a bar above Orso, where they were seated behind Morley Safer and across from a bearded Brian Cox.
A torrential rain storm came on saturday, but that didn't keep the D&M from standing in line to get into the Biennial Exhibit at The Whitney Museum, which was astoundingly good! After a short rest, the gang headed over to broadway to watch August, Osage County, the score for which David had written, and members of the band had recorded. On the way to our seats, we passed an extremely irate Alec Baldwin, yelling at someone on his cell phone!
The show was great, and it was a surreal and exhilarating feeling to hear the very music that David had written and we (in part) had recorded back in a Chicago studio coming up at us from the Broadway stage! After the show, we went to a party downtown where Paul & Liza were staying, thrown by members of the Cohen Brothers production team, where Joey "You'd Know him if you saw him" Slotnick was in attendance.

Sunday night was the main event, a show for David and the band at Joe's Pub!
Despite a few minor technical difficulties the band had a great time playing, and the "this is your life" audience seemed to have a swell time too. Sitting right in fromt of the stage was none other than the pixie-ish Soviet Born, bronx bred singer, songwriter and pianist Regina Spektor!

After the show, the band and company took over a bar in the east village and celebrated until the wee hours. We hope to be back soon!
Here's some vid
The show was terrific and the audience enthusiastic. What a great trip!
(except for the part where David and I stayed in a tenement/flop house)
Damn, I'm sorry I missed it! (except for the flop house part, of course.) Was it, in fact, a swingers' joint?
They had bunk beds and the distinct odor of urine and sweat filled the halls.
Should have stayed at Palais du Simo
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