Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fight that Foo

The Foo Fighters, apart from being a relentlessly mediocre schlock-rock parody of themselves, apparently have a sense of humor. Check out this excerpt from their rider, which made its way to The Smoking Gun.


quickdraw said...

Hmmm. Their demands are surprisingly down-to-earth. I would have expected to see a request for something like 10 pounds of Gardetto's (sp?) snack mix, with the rye chips removed by hand.

Alvy said...

Those rye chips are delicious - you'd have to be crazy to remove them.

quickdraw said...

I know! They sell bags of just rye chips because they're so tasty. I just figured the Foo Fighters wouldn't know good taste if it bit them in the face.

Biche said...

I will happily take all Gardetto's rye chips removed from Foo Fighters snacks. Send them to: The Biche Loves Carbs Foundation, 938 S Fatso Lane, Salt Lick City, Utard