Thursday, May 29, 2008

Most Hilarious Response to My Last Name Ever

Nice Person: How do you pronounce your last name?
Me: YOU - sah
Nice Person: (quizzically)Hmm, what is..what origin is that?
Me: (smiling) My dad is Japanese.
Nice Person: Oh, really? Well good for you!


aliciaformaggia said...

how sweet it is to be half japanese

quickdraw said...

I love it! Congrats, Eva.

Tony B. said...

No one ever tells how great it is to be half yugo-austro-italian, do they?

quickdraw said...

Congrats, Tony B, on your yugo-austro-italianism.

Back to the previous matter - how much simpler can a last name be to pronounce? It's spelled phonetically for christ's sake!

fanniepak said...

why is tony b. pretending to be half yugo-austro-italian?

i thought the bianchi's were from naples and its vicinity.

Tony B. said...


I was talking 'bout Eva, not myself.

EY - doesn't the non-japanese half of your heritage hearken back to a part of the austro-hungarian empire that was once Italian, or once yugoslavian, depending on how you look at it?

Or is it none of the above?

quickdraw said...

Ah! My mistake.

the developher said...

My mother's mother was born in Austria (as was my mother). My mother's father was born in Trieste, Italy which was, at one time, in Yugoslavia. My grandfather's mother, I believe, was from Russia originally. Ergo, I am half Japanese (see slanty eyes and shifty manner), one quarter Austrian (see general bossiness), one eighth Italian/Yugoslavian (see cooking skills), and one eighth Russian (see standoffishness.) As you can see, I represent the Axis powers. So fucking watch yourselves.