Thats right Lake Effectors, its that time again. In just three weeks we depart on that musical journey across the globe. Get your ukes out and lets start brainstorming! All are welcome to join the cabaret house band, a potential new element of the show to keep things upbeat and interesting throughout.
I let my uke learning time slip by but if anyone needs some back up let me know. Otherwise I will FINALLY be able to attend this one! I can't wait!
You still TOTALLY have time to learn the uke. C'MON GUY!!!!
I don't even have a uke yet, guy. but we'll see.....we'll see.
$30 Old Town School. Nuff said.
You could learn C, G, F, Am and A in under ten minutes, enough to play thousands of songs!
JOIN US! theres strength in numbers
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