Its been well documented in the past that Sloan bassist/drummer/frontman Chris (center) figures prominently in Bice's celebrity mix. The new development is that Quickdraw added guitarist Patrick Pentland (far right) to Bianchi's CM while at the show this past Monday. Not as strong as Bice/Chris, but its there!
The show, by the way, was astoundingly good. I know I'm prone to hyperbole, but they really are one of the top live bands playing today. Its hard to understand why they're not HUGE in this country. Double Door was half full. Sure, it was a Monday, but if Cheap Trick played DD on a Monday it would sell out instantly.
While I'm at it, I'm going to go ahead and throw in a 1% mini-Riff CM for the other guitarist, far left
Monday is a terrible day to have any kind of show. It's really the kiss of death. I don't think it matters how old the crowd is (although, I believe the average age at a Sloan show is 42)or who's playing. Monday is to rock show as orange juice is to toothpaste. NTT.
actually, the crowd was surprisingly young, like early twenties young. There were also several people tweaking on LSD or some such thing, like the saucer eyed guy who told heather " I like your earings, and you have perfect skin" before proceding to scream the lyrics along to some new song I'd never heard.
My only argument is that there can only be 8 famous Canadians at any given time, and until Paul Shaffer dies, Patrick Pentland doesn't qualify. The resemblance, however, is striking.
so, who are the current 8?
Neil Young
Joni Mitchell
Mike Meyers
Martin Short
Gordon Lightfoot
Wayne Gretsky
and two guys from Sloan?
Leonard Cohen, Paul Shaffer, Seth Rogen?
isn't the average age of Sloan itself 42?
don't forget avril lavigne, howie mandel, alanis, akroyd, jason priestley, and the sutherlands (elder and younger).
ps someone get me that Sloan clone's glasses!!
I must be blind, i don't see any of these mixes at all. Not a one. Or at least there's more Riff in the right-hand guitar player then me.
P.s. the shades are cool.
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