Some of us Lake Effecters used to rent a house in Saugatuck for a week every summer. We'd lie around on the beach during the day and sit on the porch at night, eating multicolored licorice and playing cards or chess or charades. The common thread was the amazing local radio station that seemed to have the perfect playlist for those endless, lovely evenings. The best DJ was Pat Farnak, and I'm sure we all remember her signature tag - "Hi, I'm Pat Farnak. Do I Look Okay?"
I've tried to re-create some of the magic for you here (in 2 parts - just make it one long mix). This mix is heavy on the 70s end of the spectrum - the 80s one to follow soon. Enjoy.
Summer Jams pt. 1
Summer Jams pt. 2
nicely done! I literally transport back to the Sea Loco when I listen to this
Very nice. I'd love to be listening to it somewhere other than work right now.
do you transport back to Exit 16 when the Sea Loco became unhitched from your Cherokee?
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