If you look closely, you'll notice that the button tacked carefully on fair Gwynnie reads "I have a crush on Obama". Does this indicate that this particular woman will vote for someone because she has "a crush" on him? Really?! So let me get this straight - she wants to tell the world that she supports a candidate because she thinks he's cute and kind of funny and she hopes he gets up the nerve to ask her out? Is this truly how any adult should portray herself? It makes me sick to think that a 35 year old woman would reduce her political opinion to a button that reads "I have a crush on Obama". I'm just glad women finally got the right to vote so we could offer our thoughts on the hottest candidates.
I understand that Gwyneth Paltrow is an actress and not a to be considered a role model. I accept the fact that this images from the pages of a fashion magazine was not meant to capture the true measure of her intellect. However, what would posses anyone to wear such a button?! I believe it is all of our responsibility, particularly women, to take elections seriously and reflect the gravity of the decision process, not only because we care what happens to the country, BUT BECAUSE WE HAD TO FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO VOTE.
She should stay in England with her boring husband (and his lame-ass band)and leave the thinking to those of us who are able.
I think it's time to admit an uncomfortable truth: Gwyneth Paltrow is not that smart.
I think this "crush" thing is a little over-blown. It's a joke - its a way to make having an opinion about politics seem a little bit cooler for some subset of the populace.
Why that works, or if it does, of why GP feels the need to do so ... well maybe someone smarter should take that up.
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