Can anyone successfully capture the aesthetic at work here-- in a way that explains the 19th century pioneer, creepy interiors, and hairspray? i take it that the choice of fabric matches the 80s french braid, but seriously... Look at my man Jeffs in the ones with portraits.
There's a sweet array right here.
I realize this is the point, but they succeed brilliantly at making themselves unattractive. Yech.
Yeah, the look is mystifying. The funny thing about the article, though, is that it's an entirely aestheticized approach to the whole topic. The journalist admits early on that the young women would not talk about their partners or children, so we're just left to wonder at their Little House on the Prairie Does the 80's look, absent any real discussion of coercion, consent, faith, or anything else meaningful. I mean, I like to gape as much as the next person, but there's something weirdly thin about this kind of treatment.
while agree with your analysis, ekm, i think the article also misses the REALLY salient question: waxing or plucking?
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