Former Radicals For Obama
He's hip! He's cool! He's black! Assuage your middle-class guilt in one easy step! Jettison your radical principles and embrace the rock-star of the moment! Don't listen to the nagging voice telling you he's a corporate wolf in sheep's clothing who'll say anything he thinks you want to hear! He's different! He'll never bomb Iran! So stop all your silly talk about decentralization and workers' control and the inevitable contradictions and crises of capitalism, and let your subscription to Z Mag lapse -- you know you're a big government socialist at heart!
Man - It's felt like forever since someone pointed out what a huge sellout and joke obama is on this blog. Glad we're back on track.
Merely a joke. Someone else's joke, in fact. Did I tell you the one about the trial lawyer who tries to run for President even though he had an illicit affair with a staffer while his universally beloved wife had cancer? It is a SCREAM.
And now, let's get back to:
Change I Can Believe In !!!!
(Previous Constitutional Amendments not included. Void in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida, or anyone else that might accidentally vote for the other guy.)
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