From the Miles Raymer's blog for the Chicago Reader:
Just in case you thought Tim Kinsella had a lock on the title of Most Audience-Alienating Kinsella, here's a report from a recent Owen show in Seattle from the Stranger's Line Out blog:
People yell out songs for him to play, and they are of course ignored. "These guys came from Utah and asked me to play like six songs, and I'm not going to play any of them," he shrugs. Someone yells out, "Fade to Black!" That sparks his attention. At the end of his set, Kinsella announces, "Okay, now I'm going to play every riff I know from 'Fade to Black.'" He knows most of the 7 minute Metallica epic, and goes from riff to riff for about three minutes, adding the occasional guitar solo with his mouth. When he's done with that he announces, "Now I'm going to play all the other Metallica riffs I know," and proceeds to toss out random sections of different songs. The crowd starts to get restless. Someone yells something at him, he responds, "Fuck you dude, I'm playing Metallica." After several minutes he walks off stage saying, "You don't want to hear this? These are the highest selling riffs of all time! I'll save them for an audience who cares." There is scattered applause. Outside I hear a girl tell her friends, "That was the shittiest performance I've ever seen, and I'm from Montana."
I had to google this guy. I still don't know who he is.
(thanks for nothin', shitipedia)
He looks like he's about to eat that poor little dog.
FYI - not even the douche-iest move by a Kinsella at a rock show. See:
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