I can't really say what he was thinking, can I? I mean I can think that I can...but I really can't. I definitely can't explain how he thought it would not be uncovered. I can't explain what he thought would happen to him or his party if he actually became the presumptive Democratic nominee for President.
But since he told ABC News that he cheated on his wife when her cancer was in remission, I can and will say this:
He cheated on her when he thought she was going to live, rather than when he thought she was going to die.
"I can't explain what he thought would happen to him or his party if he actually became the presumptive Democratic nominee for President."
I can!
Murder/suicide, naturally!
Total asshole for life, I say. Not just because he cheated on his wife, but because he was willing to risk the future of the entire Democratic Party on his own egotistical ass. Whatta prick.
Damn Biche, way to break it down it for us ... you could sub for Jon Stewart.
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