Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday Feature!

Even the greatest rapper needs a killer beat.


wag said...

I have seen God's DJ all over town for like 2 years. Do you think that means he is here also?

Alvy said...

The best part is, I saw God's DJ in PetSmart right before this. He's a 6'5" bald black dude who was buying five cans of Blood Worms. He was in line behind us, and Ellery turned around, looked him up and down, and said, "Hi!"

He smiled, then held up the cans and said, "Fish food."

We got to our cars at roughly the same time, but I had to make two unnecessary turns to get the picture. Worth it.

Simo said...

Chinese Comment Translation:

"Patience is a bitter plant , but the fruit is very sweet."

No joke!