Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"... man arrested near Denver with rifle never posed 'credible threat'"

Blah blah blah ... some nuts with guns (and drugs and stolen / fake id's and a bulletproof vest) arrested near Denver. Key quote:
When asked if he felt there was a plot to kill Obama, Nathan Johnson said, "Looking back at it, I don't want to say yes, but I don't want to say no." Johnson was interviewed while being held in jail on drug charges. He said he wasn't involved in any plot.
I'm not sure that's the best way to CYA, but ... i'm neither lawyer nor criminal mastermind.
So how about Uncle Teddy's speech?! Not bad for a guy who just had brain surgery.



Alvy said...

"Looking back on it, I was just going to fuck somebody up, but if it gives me 45 seconds of notoriety.....yeah, sure, I was going to kill Osama. Wait, who?"

the developher said...

A publicist couldn't have come up with anything better than that.