Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jesus saves...your look

SINGAPORE - A cosmetics range with cheeky taglines that extolled the virtues of "Looking Good for Jesus" has been pulled from stores in Singapore after some Roman Catholics complained the items were disrespectful, a newspaper reported Tuesday.



Alvy said...

I wore some of their eyeshadow and Jesus TOTALLY tried to fuck me. I'm just sayin.....

Shanghai Shecky said...

i was there, and jesus was drunk, and he didn't try to 'fuck you.' he said he WOULD fuck you for 2 pints of jewish blood. that's when i excused myself.

Tony B. said...

Jesus is only a spf 18? I dunno about that ...

quickdraw said...

I'm skeptical too, Tony B. One would think Jesus would be like SPF 100,000.

the developher said...

Stigmata is so last year. (Gwen Stefani's follow up to the bindi I think)