Monday, February 4, 2008

The Tears Redux

I cry at least as much as the next person, but this seems a little weird.

Someone calls Mrs. Clinton a champion of children in an obsequious introduction, and she actually cries? The day before the primary again? This is someone who does multiple public appearances a day, all of which feature a glowing tribute/introduction from a politician, celebrity, etc.--this is not someone who has never been lauded publicly.



quickdraw said...

Whilst flipping through the channels last night, I caught The Hill on Tavis Smiley and she addressed the way the media has covered her crying incidences. Now, I'm still not quite sure how I feel about her, but she made sense in stating that even though she's running for president, why should she be held to the exact same standards as a man? Why can't she be a woman president instead of a woman channeling a male president? Generally, women cry more than men, and speaking from personal experience sometimes it's just goddamned uncontrollable and happens at the worst possible moments.

That being said, go Obama!

the developher said...

It's pretty hard to cry on cue. Try it, it's not that easy. Are we so jaded and defensive that we choose to assume crocodile tears (yes, and a pocket full of tissues)?

Though I realize I am in the immediate minority, I must say that I believe that HC has the kinds of brains, experience, willpower, passion and vision that I want as a leader. This does not mean in anyway that I discount Obama's potential value as a public servant. He should be a leader. It only means that I feel HC can best represent my interests and my country. That's why I voted for her today. If she is not the Democratic Party nominee, I will of course fervently support Obama's campaign for the White House. However, though it might "not count" in my state, I wanted her to have my vote.

Shanghai Shecky said...

we all know you, developher, and we all know your very very sentimental, constantly tearing-up ways. so it's no surprise that you've cast your vote for the water-works. no go back to 'four weddings and a funeral' and the james blunt album and don't forget, new episodes of Private Practice will air sometime before the next Presidential election (2012).

Tony B. said...

EYu - it's like you didn't read my post (the one with the giant chart that looked super boring.)

You're vote might just count, as convention delegates are awarded in proportion to the number of votes each candidate gets. So ... in Illinois, Obama's going to get a bunch of delegates, and Clinton will probably get a little less. But exactly how many depends on how many votes they get - so ...

Your Vote Counts.

This Time.

(I think.)

ekm said...

The true lameness of HC's crying jags concerns not the fact of her crying but what she's crying ABOUT. Case #1: she's tearing up over what a sorry state the country will be in if the American citizenry fails to elect her. Case #2: her eyes are wet over all her marvelous achievements. COME ON. There are many things in the world worth crying over; these are not among them.

Biche said...

Couldn't care less about whether her tears are real or not. She can cry every fucking day if she does her job. I think that she was crying, meant it, and that means she's weird. Not a reason to vote agin her, either. But you all know who I like: that tearless, not-black-enough-while-not-white-enough
guy with no experience, no willpower, no vision, and no passion...The Rock. I mean, BaRock. Of course, Hilary gets both my votes if she wins the nom (not kidding; got a mail-in ballot from Walla Walla a couple days ago!!).
PS Hilary can't run as a woman President because A) she needs to prove she has a bigger dick than her competitors, or B) she needs to prove she IS a bigger dick than her competitors...

quickdraw said...

It's just ridiculous that while HC is being criticized for not adhering to the same emotional standards as the dudes, you know this country would stand up in applause if Obama or Edwards or McCain teared up at the EXACT same moments that HC did and say "Oh, how sweet. The strong man actually has an emotion."
Biche - are you saying that HC feels she has to prove those things or that we as a society need her to prove those things so that we can then hate her for doing so?
(PS - way to go Illinois!)

the developher said...

You know Quickdraw, I always enjoy your comments. You make well reasoned points and you always bring interesting information into the mix.

PS I think Obama should be Clinton's running mate. 8 years Clinton, followed by 8 years of Obama.

Alvy said...

Followed by 8 years of Alvy.
My running mate will be Mary-Kate Olsen.

quickdraw said...

I'd be ecstatic with Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton...but now I'm focusing my energy on Alvy/Olsen in 2024!!!!