Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mark!


Alvy said...

Who the hell is Mark?

the developher said...

Maybe this Mark person can celebrate his birthday with Biche?!

(BTW how are your early 40's treating you?)

fanniepak said...

i thought it might be weirder if i pretended that i call him that when i was wishing him a happy birthday.

Simo said...

Happy B-day M. Steven SAAAAAALAC!

ekm said...

M/B's birthday so far: We got up early so I could take him out to breakfast before work. We got a flat on the way to the restaurant, so we spent the morning dealing with tire nonsense. Then Mark (sorry) was pulled over ON HIS BICYCLE by a cop en route to the train!

Tony B. said...

Wait who was on a bike? The cop? Or both / all of you?

Biche said...

Thanks everyone!

I was on my bike because: 1) our car had the aforementioned flat, and the jack that came with the car is not tall enough to lift it off the flat tire (stupid Koreans); and 2)my scooter is in the shop, being worked on by jack mormons that only marginally understand internal combustion (evidently it wasn't a big topic of revelation for Joseph Smith), and are too busy tatooing each other to return my calls.

Let's not leave out that the dickhead cop who pulled me over for running a red light at an otherwise deserted intersection was nice enough to give me a warning, rather than a ticket, and enough of a tool to follow me (and I mean follow, at bike speed) for two more red stoplights, so that when we both saw my train leave the station a mere 3 blocks and one light away, he then turned and went off to do some more crimefighting.

I will be eating an extra-large pastrami covered cheeseburger in my honor later at the Twilight, and following it with several large beers. Ella and some fine SLC folks will chaperone me so I don't get in any more trouble.

I would have to say that my early 40's are good; 41, however, is not off to a flying start, 10 hours in. I am sure that my pain will be salved when my new $199 iphone arrives, courtesy mi esposa.

I will also continue running red lights when the traffic safely allows (about 95% of the time in SLC), and watching for those sneaky low-profile cop lights in the front and back of their shiny sedans and pickups. Fight the power!

Tony B. said...

Man, what a bum rap. I love the slow "cop follow". I mean, he's got to be sure he won't need backup.

(If you had run the light with a safety "crossing flag" in your hand, would that have been legal?)

And is your esposa waiting in line overnight to get you your glorious iPhone?!