Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Are We Going? (Audio NSFW)

Dude, you're gonna want to turn this off early. Don't miss the quote at 1:18, the intros starting at 2:16, and the mind-blower at 4:53. I'll bet there's more amazing stuff in the remaining 10 minutes (!!!), but I couldn't take it. Try something random - for example, check out what happens at 10:00. Oh my god.


quickdraw said...

Whoa. My brain is having trouble processing this.

Alvy said...

Please don't miss the last 45 seconds.

quickdraw said...

Grow some f'ing balls, ninja!

powers said...

I'm just a kid from a small town in that real? I want to be a m'fing ninja bitches. I want a family like that! I'm in a trance.......I want me some Sugar Slam!

Alvy said...

Dude, it's real.

Keep your son AWAY.